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Write Message

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To create a new massage click on „new massage“.
You see than a overview of the fields: send message to:, list of available recipients:, subject: and message:

The fileld send message to: doesn´t show a person of course. You have to choose a name in list of available recipients:. So the name will be moved to the field send message to:. If you repeat this procedure you can send a massage to several receiver.

When you want to delete one receiver of the list send message to:, click again on it. So the entry will be deleted and shows up in the list list of available recipients:

In the field subject: you type in your subject.

Now you write down your massage in the field message.

Click to finish on to send the message.

click to enlarge
After clicking on button you will receive following confirmation:

Article created: Saturday, 27. November 2004
Last Changes: Tuesday, 4. January 2011