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 21 Wrote 2013/02/04 at 13:20 

visit website
We need a lot more insitghs like this!
 22 Wrote 2013/02/04 at 11:54 

visit website
That's the perfect isinght in a thread like this.
 23 Wrote 2013/02/02 at 22:46 

visit website
You've hit the ball out the park! Incrdeible!
 24 Wrote 2013/02/02 at 10:24 

visit website
salut fab m'a parle9 de ce SAL alors je viens y jeter un oeil ! c'est vrai qu'il est sympa ! mais bon, je suis en retard ! donc je te svuirai sur un prochain sal ! je t'embrasse bien fort ! et dis moi comment tu fais pour en faire autant ? bisous !
 25 Wrote 2013/02/02 at 03:16 

visit website
As Charlie Sheen says, this atrclie is "WINNING!"